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Organising players to connect with their team mates, keep their football data centralized, know when their next games are, with which teams and record all of their playing data.

Each player will be able to record their own players log, to share with their coach (or parent coach) to help set personal goals within the game. If these goals are then achieved the system is able to award medals for achievements and then set the next goals.

All players feature within a global “Fantasy Football League” table of players statistics, where players receive points  based upon their playing performance and  position.

Organising teams for managers or parents can be complicated. This system allows coaches, managers, parents and players to communicate easily fixtures, results, match reports.

Simple connections made to your email, Facebook, Google, Hotmail, Twitter or LInkedIn accounts enables to you to invite your team mates to your team quickly and easily (no more typing out email lists).

Your teams players stats are all compiled in one place for everyone to share and compare.

Organising leagues couldn’t  be easier, set up your league name, logo, season, Codes of Conduct, rules, sponsors banner ad and more. Invite your teams to join, create fixtures and automatically notify teams of these fixtures.

Teamsheets are created for match feedback, which can be completed on-line for easy data entry. A confirmation/verification process then ensures that all data is correct and the system updates the league tables and players statistical information, including a players “Fantasy Football League”, allowing players to compete against each other on a personal development level.




For the very simple reason that WE LOVE FOOTBALL and we think you do too! The website was initially designed to enable easy team management in a more user friendly, social networking environment under the name of TotalFootballClub.com. Total Football Club was effectively the version 1.0 of ThePeoplesGame.net and this is a version 2.0 with “hic-ups” of version 1.0 fixed and the framewor... »

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Give Us Back Our Game

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