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The penalty.

bayern-vs-chelsea-penalty-470x275He looks for it and he finds it ! The european “expertise” meets the asian naivety in a clash and it’s a penalty, the whistle blows and he goes for the ball.
“Wait a moment who said he is our penalty specialist ?” some\everybody think !
A not very honourable teammate mention a few statistics on certain recent penalty misses !
Bad communication, poor team effort, you are not giving 100% Mitch would say later to the poor sod who just mentioned facts.
Not a problem he looks confident and mini me in goal not particularly scary with his poor Grobelar imitation.
He poses the ball on the ground a few steps back and one to the left like a like an uncombed but literate Ronaldo. The ref whistle and he nonchalantly kicks with his european flair………from distance a black rubber bits mushroom cloud erupts, “must have been a powerful kick” thinks the lonely goalkeeper from the other side of their little green world.
Two more bounces and two more little black clouds appear, the teammates cheer him up but what they actually mean is ….how was that even physically possible……you are paying for the ball if you broke it….you and your ignorant ugly feet……get the bloody boots out of the box…..and someone else ” I told you ” .
To make a story short the poor lad never recovered, he instantly fell (or was pushed?) into the alchol dark tunnel the moment he had his first tequila and finally discovered this part of town called Wanchai where he walks singing a sad italian song that says “Nino don’t be afraid to miss a penalty, you don’t judge a player from these details but from his fantasy, courage and altruism …” (it is a real song !)
He is often seen practising with the ball he got form a previous hat trick shooting at Neptune door with a nightfighter as a goalie.
A rumour says there is a a footage …….
Thursday I will bet you a beer..tequila for you.. on a penalty challenge to recover your confidence…….not a good idea I might destroy it !
Good night my friend

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  1. Gianluca Temperini - September 15, 2014, 8:48 pm

    The truth is in the wine….(beer and cider I guess could do as well!)

  2. Gianluca Temperini - September 15, 2014, 1:03 pm

    2+1.5 at dinner
    In vino veritas…….
    There is the new club motto for you !
    We loviu Rod !

    • Charlie - September 15, 2014, 1:19 pm

      In Wine We Trust ?

      We need to speak to Mikael’s boss about sponsorship then 🙂 (Wine supplier!)

  3. Charlie - September 15, 2014, 12:41 pm

    @bufe01 mate ! ! ! How many did you have to drink after the game ?

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