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For the very simple reason that WE LOVE FOOTBALL and we think you do too!

The website was initially designed to enable easy team management in a more user friendly, social networking environment under the name of TotalFootballClub.com. Total Football Club was effectively the version 1.0 of ThePeoplesGame.net and this is a version 2.0 with “hic-ups” of version 1.0 fixed and the framework for version 3.0 in place and under development (we have a lot planned to come and you will love it!)

ThePeoplesGame.net exist’s to have social networking functionality for the love of football, for those of you involved in the game. ThePeoplesGame.net has been built out of love for the game, for people that love the game and will continue to be developed to improve and bring better value to every individuals football experience. It is designed to break down barriers, build leagues, nurture talent and bring more fun to your football experience. It is designed to help players to find teams in their locations, and teams to find players, likewise coaches to find teams and teams to find coaches or managers.

If you are a new to football management and are starting up a new team, come and join us, it’s easy. Create your account, make your team, invite your friends from your address book or social networks. Once you are signed up, you have your own tools for communicating privately with your team and your team with each other, sharing information, documents and media. Create fixture’s for your team, include Google maps, all your players will receive a notification and can then RSVP to the coming fixture.

COMING VERY SOON is ThePeoplesGame.net statistics functionality, which will allow all our registered teams to record all their statistics for every game they play. This will then get processed with some computer magic to produce the worlds first amateur “Fantasy Football League” featuring you and your mates. On top of this we are introducing the play for awards feature, that will let you collect and win virtual medals and trophies for your personal football achievements that you as a player have accomplished, regardless of the games score.

Really we are finding the fun within all the fun and increasing the fun you can have with the worlds favorite past time.


Why the logo ?


The image is made up of three elements :

  1. A football, because this website is for the one love of football
  2. A sun, because this is the dawning of a new age of football
  3. An inverted pyramid ………represents power to the people!

This [inverted pyramid] has a few meanings, we could start by acknowledging the reference to Jonathon Wilsons book “Inverting the Pyramid”, which is a historical look at the development of football teams formations since the start of “Association Football” in 1863, to how we see teams line up in today’s modern football. You will also see that the pyramid is divided into five sections, these 5 sections represent the facets that are recognized to be required of an efficiently working team :

  1. Trust
  2. Healthy Conflict
  3. Agreed Commitments
  4. Effective Accountability
  5. Collective Results

The pyramid in this instance has been turned upside down to place “Trust” at the top of the pyramid as it is the corner stone to any great relationship. The pyramid also represents the standard modal for “old school” football associations, federations and organisations throughout the world. It is a one to many relationship, where a few take the decisions to organise the many. By flipping this on it’s head, I hope ThePeolesGame.net can empower more of the many to take control of the game that they love.

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